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IEEE ICC 2020 Workshop on Intelligent 5G Network Slicing (virtual)
June 11, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 2:30 pm CEST
Global 5G R&D initiatives have been launched in major economic areas worldwide. Evidence of this are actions in Europe undertaken by the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G-IA) in a contractual Public-Private Partnership (5G PPP) with the European Commission, as well as several actions globally. Major international standards developing organisations (SDOs) and industry alliances such as 3GPP and the NGMN (Next-Generation Mobile Networks) Alliance are also active in 5G specific initiatives.
According to the leading SDOs and other stakeholders, intelligent network slicing has been identified as a crucial enabler for provisioning flexible, cost-efficient and tailored services in software-networking based 5G networks. However, towards implementation and deployment of 5G infrastructures four gaps have to be filled:
- End-to-end (E2E) fixed/mobile slicing has been identified as a high-priority technical gap to help support E2E application quality. To date reported prototypes do not implement intelligent slicing across administrative domains and are far from realising large-scale operation.
- The Quality of Experience (QoE) of users of 5G network slices has to be addressed without over-provisioning of QoS. Cognitive enablers, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, have been suggested in this regard.
- Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) slice-based enablers, offering ultra-low latency, are widely suggested as critical to support innovative next generation vertical services.
- Vertical industry related studies yield a very strong interest of the vertical stakeholders to form partnerships with 5G industry stakeholders in achieving 5G’s vision of a fully connected society. To date little attention has been given to facilitate easy and flexible vertical business integration.
Addressing the importance of filling these gaps, the workshop will cover topics such as:
- Integrated cognitive network management for intelligent 5G network slicing
- Cognitive QoE slice management for service assurance
- Intelligent slice intent modelling and translation mechanisms
- MEC slice-based enablers for ultra-low latency services
- Provisioning and control of customer-defined network slices
- Northbound slice management interfaces towards vertical application orchestration mechanisms
- Vertical service prototyping and field studies
- 5G Vertical Business Modelling
- Global Operators Case Studies
9:00 – 9:10 Welcome by Workshop Co-chair Mr. Mark Roddy, Mind Myths Ltd, Ireland
9:10 – 10:30 Technical Session 1 – “The Smart 5G Network” – Provision and control of customer-defined smart network slicing
Session Chairperson: Dr. Maria Weiss, Eurescom GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany
Paper 1 – “Hardware-based Network Slicing for Supporting Smart Grids Self-healing over 5G Networks” presented by Ruben Ricart-Sanchez, University of the West of Scotland, UK.
Paper 2 – “Scalable Software Switch Based Service Function Chaining for 5G Network Slicing” presented by Antonio Matencio Escolar, University of the West of Scotland, UK.
Paper 3 – “Modeling Network slice as a Service in a multi-vendor 5G experimentation ecosystem” presented by Dr. Christos Tranoris, University of Patras, Greece.
Paper 4 – “Provisioning Private 5G networks by means of Network Slicing: Architectures and Challenges” presented by Wint Yi Poe, Huawei Technologies, Munich Research Center, Germany.
Paper 1 – Paper 4 and wrap-up of the Session by chairperson
10:30 – 10:45 Short Break
10:45 – 11:15 “Intelligent Network Slicing across Multiple Domains – The SliceNet Perspective”
Keynote1 by SliceNet presented by Prof. Qi Wang, University of the West of Scotland, UK
“Network Slicing and Automation in the 5G-VINNI Facility sites”
Keynote 2 by 5G-VINNI presented by Dr. Pål Grønsund, Telenor, Oslo, Norway.
11:15 – 12:15 Technical Session 2 – “5G and the Vertical”, Role of the Vertical in Intelligent 5G networks
Session Chairperson: Anastasius Gavras, Eurescom GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany
Paper 5 – “A workflow for onboarding Verticals on 5G/NFV experimental network facility” Dr. Christos Tranoris, University of Patras, Greece.
Paper 6 – “Multi-domain Orchestration of 5G Vertical Services and Network Slices” presented by Giacomo Bernini, Next Works, Pisa, Italy.
Paper 7 – “5G Service and Slice Implementation for a Military Use Case” presented by Dr. Pål Grønsund, Telenor, Oslo, Norway.
Paper 5 – Paper 7 and wrap-up of the Session by chairperson
12:15 – 12:30 Final wrap-up and Conclusions by workshop Co-chair Mr. Mark Roddy, Mind Myths Ltd, Ireland
Registration to IEEE ICC 2020 workshops is 40 euro for non-authors and 20 euro for students, via the ICC website: https://icc2020.ieee-icc.org/registration
Web site of the event: https://icc2020.ieee-icc.org/workshop/ws-16-workshop-on-intelligent-5g-network-slicing
Workshop Chairs
- Mark Roddy, Mind Myths Lda, Ireland
- Maria Barros Weiss, Eurescom GmbH, Germany
- Anastasius Gavras, Eurescom GmbH, Germany
- Pal Gronsund, Telenor
- Thuy Truong, DellEMC, Ireland.
- Ishan Vaishnavi, Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH