
5G-VINNI WP4 Flyer Offerings (Testing & Monitoring)

5G-VINNI WP4 Flyer Offerings (Testing & Monitoring)

5G-VINNI Flyer

5G-VINNI Flyer
Event name / material name Papers / presentation title Authors
MDPI's Sensors On the Rollout of Network Slicing in Carrier Networks: a Technology Radar
2021 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC): Satellite Communication Networks SDN for Gateway Diversity Implementation in Satellite Networks
Interdisciplinary Space Master (ISM) programme of the University of Luxembourg - 1st Semester Course Satellite communications & SecuritySatellite Communications in the 5G Ecosystem
Highlights of the 5G PPP Arch. White Paper V4.0: A European View on 5G Architecture and Beyond 5G PPP Architecture White Paper session 1: Overall architecture
12th International Conference on Network of the FutureNew Challenges and Solutions to Network Resilience: A Practical Approach
Elsevier Computer Networks Journa. Special Issue on Challenges and Solutions for Hybrid SDN Networks Hybrid SDN evolution: A comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-
6th Workshop on 5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge, AIAI 2021 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and InnovationsA prototype 5G/IoT implementation for transforming a legacy facility to a Smart Factory
ETSI ZSMZSM(21)000169 ETSI ZSM PoC#2 final report
3GPP SA2S2-2102573 (agreed as S2-2103066): TS23.501 Roaming support for NSAC
3GPP SA2S2-2102574 (agreed as S2-2103067): TS23.502 Service operations of NSAC for Roaming UEs
3GPP SA2S2-2102568 (agreed as S2-2103479): Event Exposure service Operation of Network Slice Status to AF by NSACF
ETSI ZSMETSI ZSM PoC#2 report 1: PoC#2 User Story
5GPPP Technical Board eWorkshop: Non-Public NetworksOn the operation of Non-Public Networks: The Operator's perspective
IEEE Communications magazine - 5G for VerticalsA detailed analysis of capabilities for Business and Operational Support Systems for precommercial 5G testbeds
This demonstration showed the Orchestration of Network Slices with end-to-end automation to achieve zero touch deployment. It was shown how a slice consisting of two network services, under two different tenants and security zones with corresponding Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) were deployed with one click. Automation included not only the VNF onboarding, but also network setup via SDN and adding the firewall policies.5G VINNI Demo Defence slice
The demonstration showed the implementation of two network slices for the Norwegian Defence. It was shown how a users from the Norwegian Defence accessed each of the two slices with the same 5G phone and how different Quality of Service was achieved on each of the slices.5G VINNI Demo SA 5G
Efficient 5G field measurements with Mobile Network Testing solutions from Rohde & SchwarzMeasurements from 5G mmWave
5G Trials in Europe – 5G Experimentation Facilities and Vertical Trials Experiences on Implementing 5G and Services for the Verticals
3GPP SA5S5-205292 Input draftCR Rel-17 28.541 ServiceProfile to SliceProfile Translation
3GPP SA5S5-205400 pCR 28.557 Add use case on NPN provisioning by network slice of PLMN
3GPP SA5S5-205402 pCR 28.557 Add generic management aspects
3GPP SA2S2-2005393: TR 23.700-40 Network Slice SLA exposure towards AF
3GPP SA2S2-2005391(agreed as S2-2006501): TR23.700-40 Roaming support in Slice SLA parameter on max number of UEs
3GPP SA2S2-2005392(agreed as S2-2006507): TR23.700-40 Roaming support for Slice SLA parameter on max number of PDU sessions
SA5#132eS5-204465 pCR 28.557 Structuring content on concepts and overview of NPN management
3GPP SA5S5-204463 pCR 28.557 Roles related to NPN management
UoP Facility Amarisoft base station demoPatras5G/5G-VINNI Greece facility demonstrates AMARISOFT 5G with Huawei CPE Pro 5G and Samsung A90 5G (Univ of Patras)
5G end-to-end experimentation: From Service Order to Network Monitoring Service5G end-to-end experimentation: From Service Order to Network Monitoring Service
5G-VINNI demo of the implementation of a network slice using 5G5G-VINNI demo of the implementation of a network slice using 5G
3GPP SA2S2-2004129: TR 23.700-40 Solution updates of Slice SLA parameter on maximum number of UEs
3GPP SA2S2-2004130: TR23.700-40 Solution updates on Slice SLA parameters on maximum number of PDU Sessions
Videos and presentations of 5G-VINNI training webinars on testing: Training session 4 – TaaS tools and onboarding in 5G-VINNIEffective design methodologies for Test Cases and Experiment definition and design
5G-VINNI Defense Slice Demo5G-VINNI Defense Slice Demo
5G VINNI demo day for US visitors Service Orchestration5G VINNI demo day for US visitors Service Orchestration
5G VINNI demo day for US visitors Defence use case5G VINNI demo day for US visitors Defence use case
5G VINNI demo day for US visitors Topology and Network Slices5G VINNI demo day for US visitors Topology and Network Slices
3GPP SA5S5-202338 pCR 28.807 Add requirements for management of SNPN and PNI-NPN
Videos and presentations of 5G-VINNI training webinars on testing: Training Session 2 - Development of OpenTAPplugins: from principles to codeTest as a Service
Webinar on verticals onboarding, testing and monitoring in 5G-VINNIWebinar on verticals on boarding, testing and monitoring in 5G-VINNI
5G-VINNI training webinar on testingDevelopment of OpenTAPplugins: from principles to code
5G-VINNI training webinar on testingOpenTAP: introduction to test composition and automation
5G-Vinni Remote Robotic Control with 360 VR-based Telepresence5G-Vinni Remote Robotic Control with 360 VR-based Telepresence
Openslice MovieOpenslice Movie
3GPP SA2S2-2000629(agreed as S2-2001649): TR23.700-40: Solution of Key Issue #2: Support of network slice SLA parameters on the maximum number of PDU sessions
ILNASInternet of Things
Interdisciplinary Space Master (ISM) programme of the University of Luxembourg - 1st Semester Course Satellite communications & SecuritySatellite Communications in the 5G Ecosystem
IEEE 5G World Forum - 2nd workshop on 5G-Trials – From 5G Experiments to Business ValidationThe potential of 5G experimentation-as-a-service paradigm for operators and vertical industries: the case of 5G-VINNI facility
ICT 2018 networking sessionStimulating innovation over next generation 5G network infrastructures
5TONIC Laboratory awarded key roles in 50m EU sponsored 5G programme5TONIC Laboratory awarded key roles in 50m EU sponsored 5G programme
5G VINNI Patras Facility5G VINNI Patras Facility
EuCNC 2019EuCNC 2019 Special Session "Validating and Demonstrating the Satellite Integration into 5G" MNOs View and Use Cases on Satellite Integration into 5G
ETSI ZSM Example of providing media streaming service by deployment of an E2E network slicingMapping
5G VINNI Webinar 20185G-Vinni Introductiono
5G VINNI Webinar Key Takeaways (2018)5G VINNI Webinar Key Takeaways
5G VINNI Webinar Q&A (2018)5G VINNI Webinar Q&A 5G-VINNI and external project on boarding - on boarding process from ICT 2019 perspective
5G-VINNI Webinar for ICT-19 Proposers 5G-VINNI Webinar for ICT-19 Proposers
Press ReleaseTelenor Group to coordinate pan-European 5G project
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