5G VINNI questionnaire on the pain points that European industries face today


Network infrastructures, together with new digital technologies such as cloud computing, Internet-of-Things and artificial intelligence, have evolved into key enablers for social cohesion, security, as well as business continuity and expansion. As a result of these transformations, “vertical” industries, such as Manufacturing, eHealth, Utilities, will have enhanced technical capacity available to trigger the development of new products and services or increased automation of business and operational processes.

5G networks were envisioned and are being standardised to accelerate the digitalisation currently underway in the industry. There is a vision for 5G to become a stakeholder-driven, holistic ecosystem for technical and business innovation, integrating networking, computing and storage resources. It has the potential to reshape many European industries, because it can dynamically configure the physical network to address different customer demands, support massive increases in traffic volume and provide highly resilient, secure and low latency communications.

Who are we?

5G VINNI (https://www.5g-vinni.eu/) is a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project that will provide a state-of-the-art 5G testbed for industries to experiment with breakthrough use cases and help them validate their business potential.

Overview of the study

The purpose of this survey is to better understand the pain points that key industries face today, their propensity to experiment during product/service life-cycle and how the 5G ecosystem could help them innovate in a mutually beneficial way. This study should last 20 to 30 minutes.

The survey has the following main parts:

  • You and your organisation
  • 5G as well as existing networks and communications solutions
  • Regulation
  • Industry wide collaboration, standardisation and visions
  • Trials and experimentation
  • Drivers and barriers
  • Your organization’s innovation activity outcomes

A debriefing statement will be given to you upon completion of the study.


Any information you give will be kept completely confidential. Furthermore, this survey is anonymous and thus in no cases will responses from individual participants be identified. The server running the experiment is based at Eurescom GmbH, Germany. The data collected from this online study will be stored and managed for research purposes by the project members based at Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece.


All responses are treated as confidential, and in no case will responses from individual participants be identified. Rather, all data will be pooled and published in aggregate form only. The results from this study will be made publically available (on the Web) through a project report, and may potentially be used for other research purposes, such as conference and journal publications.

Withdrawal from study

Participation is voluntary, refusal to take part in the study involves no penalty or loss of benefits to which participants are otherwise entitled, and participants may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which they are otherwise entitled.


Thank you

The 5G-VINNI team

    1. Which is the main industry in which your company is doing business (e.g., in terms of revenue)?

    [group group-1]


    2. What is your role in the organization?

    [group group-2]


    3. What is the size of your organization in terms of employees?

    Do you agree with the following statements related to 5G and your existing communications solutions?

    4. Have you ever participated in any of the following initiatives (multiple options can be selected)?
    Public Private Partnerships (e.g., 5G-PPP)EU-funded projects (e.g., under Horizon 2020)National/regional research innovation projectsother

    5. Existing communications solutions are technologically sufficient for supporting your organisation’s/industry’s digitalization needs in the next 5 years.
    Examples of solutions are: 4G, best-effort Internet, Content Delivery Networks and Virtual Private Networks

    Optionally, you can justify your response or include your comments on this statement

    6. strategic business concerns will discourage the adoption of 5G technologies and services by your organisation in the next 3 years.
    Examples of strategic business concerns are: increasing lock-in to vendors and providers, moving business intelligence out of premises, less product differentiation due to standardisation, etc.

    Optionally, you can comment on your strategic concerns or the statement above

    7. Operational concerns will discourage the adoption of 5G technologies and services by your organisation in the next 3 years.
    Examples of operational concerns are: technical complexity of integrating new technologies within current infrastructure, no organisational culture in accepting change/new processes and learning new skills, etc.

    Optionally, you can comment on your operational challenges or the statement above

    8. Performance requirements dictate the creation and operation of a dedicated/private network for your communications, leaving 5G irrelevant.

    Optionally, you can mention your unmet performance requirements or comment on this statement

    9. Security and privacy concerns/requirements dictate the creation and operation of a dedicated/private network for your communications, leaving 5G infrastructures and services irrelevant.

    Optionally, you can mention your security and privacy requirements or comment on this statement

    Do you agree with the following statements related to the impact of regulation on 5G-related business activities?

    10. Incompatible regulations on digitalization issues hinder expansion of your activities to foreign markets.

    Optionally, you can mention the incompatible regulations affecting your organisation or comment on this statement

    11. Regulatory and competition authorities in your industry hinder new roles to emerge and innovative business models to be adopted.

    Optionally, you can elaborate on the countries your organisation is facing such restrictions and the nature of those restrictions

    Do you agree with the following statements on the importance of industry-wide collaboration, standardisation and visionary stakeholders regarding the realisation of 5G-related business activities?

    12. There are stumbling blocks in terms of existing infrastructure(s) and access to data that hinder innovation in your industry.
    e.g., stumbling blocks can be upstream providers restricting access to key resources (like Internet-of-Things sensors, Application Programming Interfaces, etc.) for fear of new products cannibalising existing ones

    Optionally, you can name the bottleneck existing elements or comment on this statement

    13. There are stumbling blocks that hinder innovation in your industry in terms of new 5G infrastructure(s) deployed by others or additional data elements shared by third parties.
    e.g., upstream providers restricting access to key new resources in fear of new products cannibalising existing ones

    Optionally, you can name the bottleneck new elements or comment on this statement

    14. There are stumbling blocks that hinder innovation in your industry in terms of new 5G-related technology being deployed by downstream entities.
    e.g., end-users buying 5G smartphones or installing relevant applications on existing devices

    Optionally, you can name the bottlenecks related to downstream entities (actors, capabilities, etc. ) or comment on this statement

    15. Even though networks are in place and connectivity services are offered, additional mechanisms or new Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are needed for building trust between ecosystem actors.
    Examples of missing capabilities are tools for reliable monitoring of network performance by communications provider or mechanisms for controlling third party access to own data, etc.

    Optionally, elaborate on the mechanisms that should be in place for balancing trust and trustworthiness

    16. Industry forums and associations have a detrimental impact on the industry.

    Optionally, include your comments on this statement

    17. Market reports and research articles focus on the long-term impact of 5G technologies on your industry and neglect the evolution path.

    Optionally, include your comments on this statement

    18. Standardisation processes in your domain are slow.
    e.g., the lack of standards has a detrimental impact on the compatibility of products from different suppliers and eventually on the emergence of new roles and innovative business models

    Optionally, mention standardisation activities that are important and include your comments on the above statement

    Do you agree with the following statements on technical trials and business experimentation?

    19. There is no or limited experience in experimenting in the service/product lifecycle in your organization
    e.g., your organisation does not follow approaches such as “design thinking” or “lean product development” that iteratively involve external entities and prototypes of the services/products

    Optionally, you can justify your response or include your comments on this statement

    20. There is no or limited value in experimenting throughout service/product lifecycle in terms of reduced costs, increased revenues or new revenue sources.

    Optionally justify your response or include your comments on the above statement

    21. My organisation is not interested in running technical trials and business experiments for free on a state-of-the-art 5G testbed that offers integration support, allowing fast reconfiguration.

    Optionally justify your response or include your comments on the above statement

    In order to complement as well as summarise topics above, please consider the following questions on the reasons for adopting or not adopting 5G.

    22. What are the main drivers for adopting 5G technologies (multiple options can be selected)?
    Desire to be seen as innovativeImportance of patents and Intellectual PropertyFirst-mover advantage for new products and servicesBetter customer experienceBetter decisionsBetter servicesEnhanced ability to create value for customersEnhanced opportunities for customized solutions for our needsSolve business critical issuesReduced costReduced riskIncreased profits/ Reduced financial lossesReduced failuresReduced consequences of failuresImproved response timeEconomies of scale and scope will have positive net effect on societyAdd any missing drivers (Optionally):
    [group group-22][/group]

    23. What are the main barriers to adopting 5G technologies (multiple options can be selected)?
    Concerns around data security and privacyLack of industry forum setting direction for the community / emerging ecosystemLack of standardsChallenges of end-to-end implementationLack of available knowledge and insight about 5GLack of access to trials and experimentation with 5GToo soon to know what the real benefits will beLack of budget/investmentSenior stakeholder buy-in/concernsLack of use casesLack of platforms to take full advantage of 5GLack of a mature ecosystemUncertainty about other actors’ intentionsDistrust in other actorsOpportunities related to current generation of mobile networks not yet fully exploitedLack of applicationsAdd any missing barriers (Optionally):
    [group group-23][/group]

    Please answer the following questions about your organisation’s innovation activity outcomes:

    24. How many innovative products were introduced to the market by your company during the last 3 years?
    An innovative product is a new, or improved, good or service that has been introduced in the market and differs significantly from the firm’s previous ones

    25. How many business process innovations were introduced in your company during the last 3 years?

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