5G VINNI questionnaire on the pain points that European industries face today


Network infrastructures, together with new digital technologies such as cloud computing, Internet-of-Things and artificial intelligence, have evolved into key enablers for social cohesion, security, as well as business continuity and expansion. As a result of these transformations, “vertical” industries, such as Manufacturing, eHealth, Utilities, will have enhanced technical capacity available to trigger the development of new products and services or increased automation of business and operational processes.

5G networks were envisioned and are being standardised to accelerate the digitalisation currently underway in the industry. There is a vision for 5G to become a stakeholder-driven, holistic ecosystem for technical and business innovation, integrating networking, computing and storage resources. It has the potential to reshape many European industries, because it can dynamically configure the physical network to address different customer demands, support massive increases in traffic volume and provide highly resilient, secure and low latency communications.

Who are we?

5G VINNI (https://www.5g-vinni.eu/) is a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project that will provide a state-of-the-art 5G testbed for industries to experiment with breakthrough use cases and help them validate their business potential.

Overview of the study

The purpose of this survey is to better understand the pain points that key industries face today, their propensity to experiment during product/service life-cycle and how the 5G ecosystem could help them innovate in a mutually beneficial way. This study should last 20 to 30 minutes.

The survey has the following main parts:

  • You and your organisation
  • 5G as well as existing networks and communications solutions
  • Regulation
  • Industry wide collaboration, standardisation and visions
  • Trials and experimentation
  • Drivers and barriers
  • Your organization’s innovation activity outcomes

A debriefing statement will be given to you upon completion of the study.


Any information you give will be kept completely confidential. Furthermore, this survey is anonymous and thus in no cases will responses from individual participants be identified. The server running the experiment is based at Eurescom GmbH, Germany. The data collected from this online study will be stored and managed by the project members based at Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece.


All responses are treated as confidential, and in no case will responses from individual participants be identified. Rather, all data will be pooled and published in aggregate form only. The results from this study will be made publically available (on the Web) through a project report, and may potentially be used for other research purposes, such as conference and journal publications.

Withdrawal from study

Participation is voluntary, refusal to take part in the study involves no penalty or loss of benefits to which participants are otherwise entitled, and participants may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which they are otherwise entitled.


Thank you

The 5G-VINNI team

    1. Which is the main industry in which your company is doing business (e.g., in terms of revenue)?
    Smart cities and transportationAutomotiveManufacturingeHealthUtilitiesMedia/EntertainmentPublic safetyFinancialDigital retailSmart agriculture/aquacultureNot part of a business entityOther industry (please specifiy)
    [group group-1]


    2. What is your role in the organization?
    Member of AdministrationMember of Product management or developmentMember of Production & Manufacturing DepartmentMember of Operations DepartmentMember of Technology analysis or developmentMember of Research and Development DepartmentMember of Information Technology DepartmentMember of Customer Relationships DepartmentMember of Inventory DepartmentMember of Human Resource Management DepartmentMember of Accounting and Finance DepartmentMember of Marketing and Advertising DepartmentNot part of a business entityOther role (please specifiy)
    [group group-2]


    3. What is the size of your organization in terms of employees?
    1-10 employees11-50 employees51-200 employees201-500 employees501-1000 employees1001-5000 employees5001+ employees

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